FÖRDERUNGEN in Deutschland
Zuschuss E-Bikes-Kauf:
Bestätigen Sie, ob Ihr Händler an den langfristigen Leasingprogrammen teilnimmt:
Auf Länderebene:
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auf der Website oder in Ihrem Rathaus nachsehen, ob es Aktualisierungen gibt, wenn neue Programme erscheinen und sich die aktuellen Zuschüsse ändern können.
Tübingen: E-Bike-Besitzer bekommen eine Prämie, wenn sie zu den Ökostromtarifen der Stadtwerke wechseln oder ein bezingetriebenens Zweirad durch ein E-Bike ersetzen. Bei der Anschaffung eines Zweirades mit Elektroantrieb gibt esaußerdem einen Zuschuss von 100 Euro, wenn der Antragsteller Ökostrom-Kunde der Stadtwerke Tübingen und Inhaber derkostenlosen swt-Vorteilskarte
Regensburg: Unternehmen, Freiberufler und gemeinnützige Organisationen: Erstattung von 25% des Anschaffungspreises (max. 600 €).
FÖRDERUNGEN in Frankreich
Bicycle bonus: State aid extended until 31 December 2023
1. Bonus amounts according to your situation
Electrically assisted bicycle
-Individuals with a reference tax income per unit of less than or equal to €6,358, or who are disabled:
Aid of up to €400
-Individuals with a taxable income per unit less than or equal to €14,089, or who are disabled:
Aid up to €300
2. Conversion allowance of €1,500 to €3,000 per person
If you are scrapping an old vehicle (car or van built before 2006 for petrol engines, and before 2011 for diesel engines) that you have owned for more than a year, you can benefit from a conversion premium of 40% of the purchase price of the electrically-assisted bicycle, up to a maximum of €1,500 (for people with a taxable income of between €6,358 and €22,983) This bonus can be paid to each member of the same household who buys an electric, folding or cargo bike, etc., until 31 December 2023, whereas it was previously a one-off payment for each old vehicle sent to the scrap heap.
If your reference tax income is less than or equal to €6,358, or if you are disabled, this bonus can be as much as €3,000 (or still 40% of the purchase price of the bike).
If you live in a low-emission zone and your local authority has paid you aid to buy or hire an electrically-assisted bicycle, this premium is increased by €1,000.
3. Regional aid
The purchase of your electric bike may be financed by your region if it meets certain environmental requirements:
The electric bike must be new;
It must have an auxiliary electric motor
It must have a unique identifier on its frame
It must not be fitted with a lead battery.
Depending on where you live, the procedures for applying for local aid for the purchase of an electric bicycle may vary. Some départements offer their residents digital forms, while others require paper applications to be submitted. Contact your local council to find out more.
How do I apply?
See details on the French government website:
How can we help you?
- We can provide a French version of your invoice to avoid the need for further translation.
- For the time being, you will need to find a bike shop near you to get the ID number for your bike. We are working on a better solution to this problem, but it may take some time. We therefore suggest that our customers find a shop to register now.
Annex Documents (Download):