HEPHA Trekking 7: Affordable Quality in E-Bikes
With the Trekking 7, HEPHA presents an affordable complete package of design, function, and equipment.

Do good e-bikes have to keep getting more expensive? They are the drivers of a new hybrid locomotion; however, many e-bikes have such high price points that they are often no longer affordable for consumers. Many customers, therefore, have to opt for cheaper alternatives, which come with compromises in equipment, such as smaller batteries, weaker motors, or the lack of color displays and app integrations.

HEPHA puts an end to this development with the new Trekking 7. The aim is to make high-quality micromobility affordable for everyone! This is made possible by high-tech production with intelligent automation processes. The HEPHA Trekking 7 is a total package of design, function, and features at a quality and price level that is hard to find on the market.